When I was in seventh grade, my Social Studies teacher, Mr. Long, asked the class, “Does anyone know what heroin is?”
I confidently raised my hand.
“A female hero.”
I wasn’t wrong. I also wasn’t right.
I had heard, “Does anyone know what a heroine is?”
… a female hero.
Because I was so embarrassed, I have no recollection as to why he was asking us about drugs.
I love that what came to you first was "a female hero" rather than the drug... much more inspiring! I wish Mr. Long had affirmed you at the time rather than allowing you to get hyper embarrassed. I never know when an embarrassing memory will suddenly hit me; I usually reprimand myself, "Why did you say that / do that?" as I feel the emotion kick in again. I hope we all are understanding more about the importance of defusing shame and covering one another...and ourselves with grace and kindness.