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Low Barrier to Entry

Updated: Jul 28, 2021

I love story. I find humans endlessly fascinating. What makes us tick. What offends one person but deeply delights another.

Over the course of my life, I’ve written journals full of ideas. A one woman show. A poem. A short story. A cabaret with a friend. And another with another friend.

None of these are complete. I get started, usually with a title surfacing pretty quickly.


I’ve thought about publishing a book of titles. Then someone else can do the hard work of writing the content!

Over the past few months, a friend of mine has been encouraging me to write.

But what do I write? What form? What content?

It could all be a bit overwhelming.

I was listening to Seth Godin’s Akimbo podcast at the time, and he talks often about “shipping your work” and also writing a blog. (“If you write consistently for a month, you’ll know more about writing on day 30 than you did on Day 1,” Seth says.)

I’d never thought of writing a blog before. As a performer, I’ve always imagined sharing my ideas through the spoken word, whether it be a one-woman show, a spoken word poem, a play, or a podcast.

After several weeks of successfully not writing, I decided to start a blog … this blog.

I knew I needed a low barrier to entry.

I tend to go from idea to full-blown-production in my mind very quickly. I have an idea for a play and within minutes, I’m obsessed with how to handle a prop I’ve decided would be necessary for an idea I have within the play. Is it cost effective to have a prop that has to break every show? How will we create something that we can reuse but looks authentic to the audience?

I haven’t written one word of the play, and I’m STUCK on solving the issue of a prop.

Knowing this is my tendency, I knew I had to dive in with both feet, with very little thought to “extras” or even “the basics” in some people’s minds.

January 31, I declared to my husband that I would start my blog the next day and asked him what platform one might use for a blog.

He rattled off three or four options. I opened a tab for each on my phone as he worked to think of another option.

Nope. No more options. I was already overwhelmed. I needed to launch the next day; I didn’t have time to research multiple options, when I honestly didn’t even know what I was looking for or what to compare. I knew that if I started down that rabbit trail, I would never launch the blog.

“Just pick one, and I’ll use that one.”

“Use Medium.”

So I did.

As for content, I love haikus. I always have. They are short, sweet, and to the point. They are structured, providing me a boundary within which to create.

So I started with a month of haikus on a blogging platform I spent zero time researching. Low barriers to entry.

I was able to write several haikus in one sitting, but the idea of being responsible for actually posting them on a daily basis felt like too much, so I scheduled one week’s worth of haikus at a time. This helped me feel like a winner (“I’m ahead of the game!”) and allowed me to keep my focus on writing other, longer posts to (possibly) be posted in future months.

I created momentum for myself. I started small. I started with something easy enough for me, just as I am.

A low barrier to entry.


Eric Cho
Eric Cho
Mar 07, 2021

the momentum thing is growth mindset manifest! you're doing it!

Jill Anthony
Jill Anthony
Mar 07, 2021
Replying to

Yes!! I'm thankful for the examples of the growth mindset in the people around me, to remind me what it can look like, and that I can start without knowing where I'm going ... and pivot and figure it out along the way!


Mar 05, 2021

This is it. Both feet. You have a voice. I hear you. I relate. It changes the way I think and do. This is it. Your blog that will grow and grow. Your audience will grow abs grow. You will grow and grow. I love it. Thank you for writing and giving a voice to my thoughts and moods. You’re a writer. You’re an artist. Its all worth reading and printing. Bless you.

Jill Anthony
Jill Anthony
Mar 05, 2021
Replying to

Thank you for bearing witness to it all, Job! And for encouraging me, always, to step out in risk. AND for modeling it for me!!

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